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Setting Godly Goals

“Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6 NIV).
Many of us set goals for ourselves in our personal and/or professional lives. How we go about setting these
God cares about every aspect of our lives, including the type of goals that we set. Secular goals can and should have a Godly component, which is essential in honoring God and achieving the goal. The achievement of a goal is actually a gift. James 1:17 teaches that ,“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Below are a few thoughts on setting Godly goals.
First, a Godly goals needs God’s Hand. We do not necessarily need faith to set goals that do not require faith. The Bible teaches, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6 NIV). In order to please God, we need to set goals that require faith. In other words, you should set goals that are too big to reach on your own. Our faith is critical in setting the size of our goal and determining the role that we are asking God to play. God moves in a big way for big goals and in a little way for small goals. God will move commensurate with our faith. Matthew 9:29 puts it this way, “According to your faith let it be done to you” (Matthew 9:29).
Second, Godly goals develop our character. When we set a goal that requires faith, God uses the journey to change us as we work to reach that goal. Remember, He is the potter and we are the clay. Life is a journey of Christian sanctification. As for me, I have set God-sized goals that took alot of faith and years to finally achieve. This grew my character, witness, and my faith for future goals.
The apostle Paul wrote, “I do not mean that I am already as God wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal. But I continue trying to reach it and to make it mine. Christ wants me to do that. That is the reason Christ made me his” (Philippians 3:12). Paul recognized that the ultimate goal of a Christian is to be the person that God wants us to be.
Third, Godly goals give us hope. The worst thing you can take from a person is hope. The hopeless are truly the walking dead. In the midst of struggle, there must be hope of a better day on the other side. The current situation may be bleak, but Godly goals allow us to preserve. I often recite Jeremiah 29:11 to myself to remind myself that His plans are full of hope and a future. Godly, goals give us the comfort that the victory is won, and the goal will be achieved, we just need to preserve and wait for the perfect time of delivery and form.
Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for helping us to set and achieve goals that bring honor to You and grow our faith. We rest in your plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. We love You and need You. Amen.
Meet the Author
Todd Shupe is a Certified Lay Minister and Men’s Ministry Specialist through Francis Asbury Methodist Church in Baton Rouge, LA. He is a Board Member for Gulf South Men, an Action Team member for The Kingdom Group, and a Board Member for the Lagniappe Country Walk to Emmaus. Todd is a contributor to Project XII and Baton Rouge Parents Magazine. He is a Past President of the Baton Rouge District of United Methodist Men and remains active in this and many other local, regional, and international ministries. Additionally, he’s the author of the inspiring book “Fathering A Special Needs Child.” Todd also enjoys filling the pulpit to share the Good News of our Lord and Savior. Todd is the proud father of Emma and Kyle and resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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