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Greetings, and thank you for visiting my site! My name is Todd Shupe, and I am humbled to offer my ministry to the world through ToddShupe.com. You will find uplifting and non-denominational blogs with inspiring and thought-provoking messages here. Although none of us have all the answers in life, I strive to use Scripture as a guide and a source of hope, joy, and peace. I hope these blogs can help somebody on their journey and that they bring a sense of comfort and understanding.
As you read through the blogs, I hope you will find something that brings you closer to our Lord and Savior. If you do, take a moment to pause and thank Him for blessing His Word. May He continue to guide and bless you as you seek His truth!
The articles I post are divided into three categories: Adversity, Discipleship, and Men’s Ministry. Each category is incredibly important to me and has a special place in my heart. I strive to bring relevant, meaningful content to all three topics, as I believe each one can help us grow and become better individuals. Whether you’re seeking advice on handling adversity, guidance for deepening your faith, or ways to engage in meaningful men’s ministry, I’m here to help.

We all want peace, especially when we are in the middle of adversity. As Christians we are not immune to hard times. However, we have a huge advantage over non-believers. We have Jesus! Adversity has hit all of us. And it will come again. It is during these times that we either grow closer to God or further away. During these trials, we need to stop and ask God, What is it that You want me to learn from this? If these blogs help you to consider it all pure joy when facing trials, then give thanks to God from whom all blessings flow. I pray that they are as beneficial to you to read them as they were to me to write them.
Discipleship is our spiritual journey of following Jesus. The Great Commission is a critical component of my discipleship. This is our joyful obligation to bring the Good News to others. Just as someone brought the Gospel to you, so should you bring the Gospel to others. Not all of us have the gift of preaching, but we are called into ministry through our baptism and profession of faith in Jesus Christ. I love the quote from St. Francis of Asi Asi: “Speak the Gospel wherever you go and use words when necessary.” The Discipleship blogs are my attempt to use my words to practice evangelism.
Men’s Ministry
I am devoted to men’s ministry and have grown spiritually due to the ministry of other men at my local church, the Church Universal, and my own father. I have been blessed to have many godly mentors in my life. It has been proven that men lead others best by modeling Jesus Christ. It is obvious that many men are not modeling Jesus to their families and their community because you cannot give what you do not have. This is an equipping site to help men become servant leaders and love their wife as Christ loved His church. I am a work in progress, and I invite you to join me on the journey!
Meet Todd Shupe, Christian Blogger
More about me . . . I am...

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“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 (KJV)