Those Who Remember Their Past Victories Will Have More In The Future

The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37).


My high school US History teacher displayed a quote on a sign adjacent to the chalkboard that read, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  This is a famous quote often attributed to George Santayana, a Spanish-American philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist. 

Indeed, we can learn a lot by looking at our past.  However, it is imperative to acknowledge that the past is for learning, not for living.  Once the lesson has been learned, it is time to get back to the business of living in the present.  None of us can heal any wounds from the past by exclusively focusing on the past.  The giants of the past that have dealt us crushing defeats can only be slain in the present by looking ahead to the future.   

Many of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath, the giant Philistine, as detailed in 1 Samuel 17.   David’s past at this time was that of a small, young shepherd with no battle experience.  His immediate past also included listening to this champion for the Philistines come out each day to call upon anybody from the Israelites to accept his challenge for a one-on-one fight to the death.  David accepted the challenge and used his knowledge of God to be equipped for his battle in the present.  He leaned into a vital piece of information from his own past and understood that God had  previously delivered him through tragedy and would do so again.  1 Samuel 17:37 reads, “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

David acknowledged the victory to come before it occurred.  David said, “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel” (1 Samuel 17:46).

David remembered his past and therefore was not condemned by it, but rather was empowered because he chose to remember his past with God.  David was equipped by God because his focus was on God and not the giant before him.  David was wisely taking his own thoughts captive and tuning all other voices that were surely present – society, self, and the enemy.  He was modeling for us today what Paul would later write in Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

The same God that empowered the young shepherd boy David also can empower all of us when our focus is on Him rather than whatever problem is present before us.  The past is useful for learning, and if we acknowledge that the Hand of God was present in our past victories, then we can claim victory in the present in His name and wait with patience and confidence for the victory that is yet to come in the perfect time and manner in the future.

Prayer:  Dear God, Thank you for your love, grace, and mercy.  Thank you for Your Word and the story of David in 1 Samuel 17.  Help us to remember Your presence in our past battles as we step into the battles of today.  Grant us wisdom to realize that the battle belongs to You alone.  Amen.

Meet the Author

Todd Shupe is a Certified Lay Minister and Men’s Ministry Specialist through Francis Asbury Methodist Church in Baton Rouge, LA. He is a Board Member for Gulf South Men, an Action Team member for The Kingdom Group, and a Board Member for the Lagniappe Country Walk to Emmaus. Todd is a contributor to Project XII and Baton Rouge Parents Magazine. He is a Past President of the Baton Rouge District of United Methodist Men and remains active in this and many other local, regional, and international ministries. Additionally, he’s the author of the inspiring book “Fathering A Special Needs Child.”  Todd also enjoys filling the pulpit to share the Good News of our Lord and Savior. Todd is the proud father of Emma and Kyle and resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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